Whist 'Vis-migging' (observing the visible migration of) autumn migrant birds on my lunch break at Watermead, I spotted a CLOUDED YELLOW Butterfly quite high over the water at Large Lake - it was battling the strong winds of an incoming storm & I was impressed with the control & determination of such a delicate & lightweight creature in such adverse conditions. Nature will always continue to amaze us. CLOUDED YELLOW Butterfly battling strong winds of an incoming storm whilst migrating - seen over Watermead Lake whilst 'Vis-migging' for passerines, 06/10/2020. Despite being such a small subject at a fair distance, & in windy conditions, I was able to get a few shots as it passed through, though not leaving many pixels when cropped. I liked the punch of sun-bathed yellow against the darkening background of threatening sky, so I put together a composite image this small part of its journey. The Clouded Yellow is a migratory species, originating from north A...