I took part in the #BigGardenSit from 8.30 til 9.30 this gloomy, drizzly morning at Watermead, & managed to record a surprising 43 bird species.
Wintering male BLACKCAP with BLUE TIT
The Big Garden Sit is organised by Bucks Bird Alert & runs during Lockdown periods - the aim being to record as many bird species as you can from your home in one hour on a Saturday morning. The records are then entered into a database & used by Bucks Bird Club, or shared with your county recorder if not based in Buckinghamshire
My highlights of the hour were...
- 7 WIGEON over.
- 360 LAPWING in 3 flocks to the north.
- Wintering male BLACKCAP just outside my balcony.
- Plenty of FIELDFARE movement.
Earlier in the morning I had seen the same 7 WIGEON over on Large Lake, as well as a wintering CHIFFCHAFF (collybita) & a GOLDCREST during a my stroll.
WIGEON in flight
Some of the 360+ LAPWINGS |
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